Attraction - فعاليات الشارقة

Khor Fakkan

Khor Fakkan is a town on the Gulf of Oman, in the United Arab Emirates. It centers on Khor Fakkan Bay, home to the curved Khor Fakkan Beach and a deep-sea port.

Khor Fakkan is a town on the Gulf of Oman, in the United Arab Emirates. It centers on Khor Fakkan Bay, home to the curved Khor Fakkan Beach and a deep-sea port. A promenade runs along the beachfront, against the backdrop of the dramatic Hajar Mountains. Archaeological sites include ancient graves and a ruined Portuguese fort. West of town is Wadi Wurayah, a biodiverse mountain area with waterfalls and natural pools.

‎⁨الحديقة الجيولوجبية⁩...

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