Add Event 2 - Sharjah Events

Submit Your Event

Please complete the form below to submit your event.

For your submission to be successful, please ensure that all fields listed below are complete. If you have any problems or queries, please revert to our FAQs page or contact us via email or phone.

If your submission is successful, we’ll be in touch; however, please note that we’re unable to inform you if your event has been declined due to the high volume of submissions.

Submit Another Event

Use this option to submit a new event at a venue that is currently listed in our database, If the venue is not listed you will need to submit the venue using option 2.

Add Missing Venue

To add a new venue for listing you may submit information here. Please check to ensure that this venue is not already listed. New Venues will be verified by our team and added to the database for future selection.

Edit Organiser Details

To amend or change your organiser details, please use this option and complete all form fields before submitting. After changes are made they will be reflected in all your past and future events.

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