Sharjah Art Foundation, as part of its “Sharjah Performances” program, presents the play The Writer on Honeymoon, directed by Ahmed El Attar and performed by the renowned actor Sayed Ragab and actress Yasmin El-Hawary. Through a modern vision and a...
Sharjah Art Foundation presents the Queen of Western Sahara Desert Blues Aziza Brahim and her Tabal Quartet live in Sharjah as part of the Sharjah Biennial 15 Music Programme. Born and raised in the Saharawi refugee camps lining the frontier...
The award-winning Ghanaian hip-hop artist and musician, M.anifest, will present his latest album titled ‘Madina to The Universe’ (MTTU) on the evening of March 8th at 8:30 PM GST in the Africa Hall. The 15-track album is a genre-blending afro-fusion...