Sharjah Air Station: A Historical Glimpse of the First Landing exhibition - Sharjah Events


Sharjah Air Station: A Historical Glimpse of the First Landing exhibition


Discover Sharjah’s flying history at the “Sharjah Air Station: A Historical Glimpse of the First Landing” exhibition at Al Mahatta Museum, running from September 3, 2023 until July 31, 2024.

Sharjah Museums Authority is hosting an exhibition to celebrate Emirati Civil Aviation Day and the first aircraft landing in Sharjah. The exhibition “Sharjah Air Station: A Historical Glimpse of the First Landing” will be held at Al Mahatta Museum to commemorate the UAE’s of prosperity and development in the aviation field. The exhibition tells the story of Sharjah Air Station’s establishment in 1932. It will also display a collection of photographs, the approval agreement for the establishment of the first air station in Sharjah, the construction stages, the first landing moment, and the route of the flights from which it was departing.

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