Events Archive - Page 44 of 94 - Sharjah Events



The Media session spotlights the various criteria for the success of visual content and what creative elements content makers need to ensure continuity and achieve public attraction. The session showcases experiences that have had a positive role in introducing various...
The Sports session discusses the impact of training plans on football, the performance of players and their roles in the field and the various playing positions, and the extent to which offensive and defensive forms of play reflect on the...
The Cultural session tackles forms of integration between literary works, dramatic and cinematic scenarios, and acting performance. It aims to identify in depth the extent to which written material reflects on the success of artistic works, while addressing the standards...
Discounts at all shopping malls & retail stores with entertainment, heritage and cultural events, and weekly draws on cars and value prizes in Sharjah and the Eastern Regions
An annual event held in the city of Dibba Al-Hisn as encouragement from the Sharjah Sports Council for the various groups of society on the importance of practicing sports. The race includes four distances, the first is 10 km and...
Lanuched in 1984, this annual event brings local and Arabic theatre groups to compete for the Sharjah Award for Arab Theatrical Creativity.
Sharjah Museums Authority invites you to celebrate the night of Mid Sha’ban “Hag al Laila” which brings happiness and joy to people of all ages.   Sharjah Fort (Al Hisn) 6 March 2023 Hisn Khor Fakkan 18 March 2023  ...
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