Noon Arts Award - Sharjah Events


Noon Arts Award


As we conclude the 2nd edition of Noon Arts Award competition, we embark on yet another phase of creativity titled “After the Rain”.
The theme of this year’s Noon Arts Award is all about the feelings you evoke after rainfall. Once we move beyond the physical state, there is something more emotionally connected to rainfall.

The wet earth springs new life and new stories, and the sentiments associated with this can range from claustrophobia to even freedom and regeneration. Whatever it may be, the rain has the power of eliciting emotions to give new hope. What about yourself? How do you feel after the rain?

Artworks should showcase and express what the artist feels after the rain has passed.

Artwork Submission (8-JUL till 30-SEP)
Event Date (18 – 21 Nov)

Event Details


  • 05 Aug 2024 - 08 Aug 2024
  • 26 May 2024 - 10 Jun 2024
  • 27 Feb 2024 - 03 Mar 2024

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